
Přečtěte si, jak moje kurzy (a upravené hraní D&D) hodnotí

účastníci minulých her.

Maddison, USA

As someone who has not played DND before, I think that Alex as a DM has been great. I only speak English, and I feel that, in terms of words and speech, it has flown very smoothly. I'll bring up one of my fellow players for a moment because I feel like she often has moments where she can't find the right English word that she wants, and every time we all just take a moment to find a word that best fits, which I think is as educational as anything.

Monika, Poland

Communication is key in tabletop games, so playing such games in a foreign language is a great exercise in starting to think in English or at least being able to do a super quick translation in your head. A big aspect of dnd specifically is the use of old-timey items, so you can quickly learn many words you wouldn't even think about otherwise. I also realized that I'm using more conditional forms and am able to express my ideas and questions in different ways. And at the end of the day, it is a game so it's very fun!

Nova, USA

Alex speaks clearly, and I'm able to understand her as she teaches. I do believe my communication skills have improved as well, I have been trying my best to not interrupt others and Alex is very kind to remind me not to.

Kristýna, Česká republika

Hraní DnD mi pomohlo být jistější v mluvení anglicky, s čímž jsem dřív měla problémy. Také jsem se naučila nová slovíčka a dokážu rychleji reagovat a vysvětlit své myšlenky, nápady a emoce. Díky konverzaci přes DnD se mi povedlo složit zkoušku FCE na úrovni B2.

Atlas, Lebanon

So far the dnd run with Alex has been amusing and a good learning experience (either for fancy words that I didn't know or the moments where I get immersed and use more refined English fitting the era of the setting) it was also good in terms of helping develop the communication and teamwork, especially when we had situations of extreme "intensity" that allowed us to convey a battle plan or general plans accordingly for the situation (either with a moat attempt in the town of Vallaki or our escape from the burgomaster's house when the whole evil gang was in it).

Filip, Česká republika

Zážitek s Alex byl velmi pozitivní. Tohle byla moje první DnD hra, takže ji sice nemůžu porovnat s jinými, ale Alex je schopná učitelka. Moje improvizační a týmové schopnosti se v průběhu hry určitě zlepšily. Hraní DnD mi také pomohlo s úzkostí spojenou s mluvení s druhými. Je to velká legrace a doufám, že hra ještě nějakou dobu potrvá.

Maria, Romania

My experience is very positive, it definitely helped me with English in the way of how to use it and learning new words, and my improv and teamwork skills improved since I started playing because I find it easier and less anxiety-inducing to work with people. It's both for fun 1000% and very immersive so you can learn while you are also having fun.

Lore, Belgium

I've already always been pretty good with writing English but confidence in speaking it has always been lower, but playing D&D in English helped a lot because there's so much talking to do. You just get a whole period of your brain getting put into the English language and it gets easier to sink into from session to session.

(And I think for people who struggle with writing, making character sheets or taking notes during sessions is fun practice.)

I've also learned a bunch of new words I'd probably never run into through just casual conversations with friends (through items, mechanics, etc). It's not like a video game where a word passes you by only to never see it again and you have to vaguely guess what the word could mean in context (which is also a good skill for English but not always optimal when you want to expand your vocabulary). But D&D is a game that leaves space for asking what those words mean or looking them up, which is always nice.

There's a lot of reading practice in the game now that I think about it too.

Compared to the first couple of sessions I've had I think way less about what I'm going to say before I say it which I think just means my improv/real-time processing for those kinds of scenarios has gotten better.

D&D with Alex has always been very fun, leaving lots of space for a lot of talking but she's also always immediately there for questions, and when things kind of start to fizzle out she picks it back up really well.

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